Join EuropeOn and the Electrification Alliance on 17 November for the most exciting event on the need to #ElectrifyNow

EuropeOn has been a member of the Electrification Alliance for a few years, joining forces with other stakeholders to raise awareness on the benefits of electrification as an answer to the EU’s climate and energy objectives. Indeed, electrical contractors across Europe are already engaged at the frontlines of the energy transition to electrify end-uses and guide consumers towards cleaner energy consumption.

The Electrification Alliance recognises the need to switch away from fossil fuels toward the use of clean and renewable electricity as the main source of energy for all our applications. Many sectors, such as transport, industry, buildings and heating and cooling, are undergoing the process of electrification. It is increasingly powered by renewable energy sources like wind and solar and supported by demand-side flexibility. Moreover, smart electricity grids make the system highly sustainable, dependable and efficient.

In the context of the “Fit for 55 Package” (a legislative package on climate and energy that was released by the European Commission last July), the Electrification Alliance will host the dedicated digital conference “ElectrifyNow: Which role for electrification in the Green Deal?” on 17 November.

The purpose of the event is to discuss and define the ways in which electrification can be supported to ensure it becomes the leading energy system in Europe, as our economies recover and as we work to stave off climate change. This event constitutes the perfect occasion to map out the next steps leading to the electrification of Europe, making it unmissable for electricity and energy stakeholders.

This event will feature insightful panellists such as leading electricity stakeholders, high-level policymakers and Electrification Alliance members, including EuropeOn’s Secretary General.

Head to the Electrification Alliance’s website to register for the event and make sure you don’t miss this exciting debate.