Electrical installations are the backbone of decarbonised buildings. Meeting our climate objectives will only be possible with an unprecedented increase in the electrification of our building stock, starting immediately. To this end, the upcoming Energy Performance of Buildings must ensure that electrical installations in new and existing buildings are up to the task and fit to accompany this dramatic rise in electrification.
EuropeOn and key stakeholders in the electricity sector have called on the EU Commission to duly take electrical installations into account when revising the EPBD, which will need to pave the way for the decarbonisation of our buildings in line with our 2030 climate objectives.
More specifically, the EPBD should:
Deploy national electrical inspection regimes and electrical safety checks in dwellings according to national wiring rules, as called by the EU Parliament in the EPBD Implementation Report1
Incorporate requirements and indicators of readiness of electrical installations for full (staged) decarbonisation and provide this information to property owners
Include electrical installations in the definition of Technical Building Systems (TBS) and point to the relevant economic optimisation standards for their dimensioning . Consider TBS on equal footing with technologies related to the building envelope within the EPBD
Mainstream Building Automation and Control Systems, smart EV charging, real time energy monitoring and smart meters
Introduce a metric to quantify the demand side flexibility at building and/or district level.