EuropeOn member FFIE, representing electrical integrators in France, has been increasingly catering to the specific needs of assisted living facilities and nursing homes, understanding how electrical integrators’ services can improve their patients’ experience and accompany their facilities through their decarbonisation journey.
In September, FFIE organised a symposium entitled “1st meeting of building and medical social players” on the theme of “Connected housing: digital and automation solutions for the well-being of seniors”. This meeting also reinforced the existing link between the different actors taking part in the symposium.
And highlighting that the two sectors are coming together, Philippe Rifaux, General Delegate of FFIE, was in turn invited on 9 December to a conference organised by the SYNERPA, the confederation of assisted living facilities, nursing homes and home help services. Such facility-based service providers are taking the digital and clean energy turn.
Philippe Rifaux reminded the audience of the many regulatory developments (such as decrees on the tertiary building sector or on BACS) that these companies will have to deal with and the role and place of electrical integrators in supporting them in their approach to the energy transition. The challenges posed by decarbonisation and smart buildings were well understood.
The combination of electricity and digitalisation was presented as a real asset in the attainment of energy and digital transition objectives.
And to conclude on a note of Corporate Social Responsibility, we could take up the words of the General Delegate addressing the companies of the medical social sector: “to reduce your carbon footprint, call on our companies spread throughout the territory by choosing proximity!”