Members’ Corner – Supporting civilian refugees in Ukraine

Paris, 21/03/2022 – SERCE, a EuropeOn member from France is a partner of NGO Electriciens Sans Frontières (Electricians Without Borders) and support their effort to help and assist Ukrainian refugees.

As you know, now that more than 10 days have passed since the beginning of the invasion of Ukraine, the war continues and the Russian offensive does not seem to stop. Millions of civilians have chosen to flee the bombardments either to the west of the country or to neighbouring countries.

Faced with this unprecedented and evolving situation, Electriciens Sans Frontières is preparing to intervene and is mobilising volunteers and partners to provide support in the neighbouring countries where Ukrainian refugees are headed.

“We are very concerned for the Ukrainian population, some of whose inhabitants are without water and electricity, with a very limited phone network that makes contact between families more than difficult. Emergency shelters and accommodation are being provided for those in need,” says the Red Cross on the ground.

Electriciens Sans Frontières is working in daily coordination with its humanitarian partners such as the Red Cross and the Crisis and Support Centre of the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs in order to intervene effectively and organise actions adapted to the needs identified.

“Because the protection of human lives is the absolute priority, our action will be strong and long-lasting and will focus on:

  • Securing the electricity supply to buildings that have been transformed into accommodation facilities;
  • Power supply to camps and hospitals;
  • Responding to the electrical needs of local NGOs in neighboring”

The ability of Electriciens Sans Frontières to intervene effectively and to meet the needs of the refugee populations will depend largely on the financial support it manages to obtain.

Visit the Linkedin page of Electriciens Sans Frontières.

You can make a donation here.