Media Partners’ Corner – Navigating the new Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Regulation (AFIR)

By 2050, the European Union aims to slash transport-related greenhouse gas emissions by a whopping 90%. This turned everyone’s attention towards European lawmakers, now commissioned with developing a supporting framework that’ll handle the influx of EVs hitting European streets in the years to come.

As a result, the EU sealed the deal on the Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Regulation (AFIR) in March 2023. This game-changing regulation is set to shape the future of EV infrastructure across the continent.

Before we jump into all of the benefits that AFIR brings to stakeholders across the e-mobility ecosystem, let’s take a quick look at what AFIR actually is.

What is AFIR?

The new AFIR is a binding legal instrument requiring all EU countries, Charge Point Operators (CPOs) and e-mobility service providers (eMSPs) to follow specific rules when rolling out public EV charging stations for passenger and heavy-duty vehicles. EU countries must meet specific targets for EV infrastructure, like power capacity and distance-based coverage along major roads and motorways. In short, the aim of AFIR is for Europe to have a robust charging network that keeps up with the demand.

Charging infrastructure & EV demand growth

European countries are stepping up their game by mandating a power ‘quota’ for charging stations. It means that countries need to provide a minimum power capacity of 1.3 kW for each passenger electric vehicle. For plug-in hybrid vehicles, the quota is 0.8 kW. This is to ensure that the charging infrastructure grows hand in hand with the increasing number of vehicles on the road.

The national targets AFIR sets are ambitious — countries must ensure a robust charging network along major motorways and inter-city roads, with charging stations at least every 60 km on main roads. And this is not just for regular cars — there are specific targets for heavy-duty vehicles too.

Want to know more on how AFIR influences the European electric mobility sector and its stakeholders? Watch the webinar with our e-mobility experts to gain valuable insights into AFIR and its impact on the industry:

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