Media Partners’ Corner – The key role of battery telematics in electric fleets

In simple terms, the Battery Management System (BMS), which serves as the “brain of the battery”, is usually offline and provides no data storage. This means that, by default, it’s difficult to have visibility into a battery’s real-time status or what happened in the past.

Luckily, telematics software offers a solution. Battery telematics systems are technologies that monitor, gather and analyse data about battery performance, condition, usage and state of health. Cloud-based battery telematics collect data in real-time—and advanced ones can even do this every single millisecond while backing up the data online, creating a digital twin of each battery. Such systems bring multiple benefits like improved battery performance and enabling predictive maintenance.

Fewer battery-related incidents

One of the key reasons why battery telematics are crucial for both fleet vehicle manufacturers and consumers is that they help reduce battery-related incidents. Monitoring critical battery parameters such as temperature, voltage and current in real time makes it much more likely that anomalies or safety risks are detected in time. This proactive approach ensures the safe operation of EVs, significantly reducing the potential for accidents.

Improved battery performance

Battery telematics also offer a substantial improvement in battery performance. The direct insight into battery status and performance and customised alerts for specific incidents empowers users to take measures in advance. By implementing predictive maintenance practices and analysing battery performance trends, early warning signs of potential failures can be identified and addressed promptly.

Besides increasing safety, this minimises downtime and optimises battery performance, improving overall efficiency and reliability. With battery telematics, fleet operators can stay ahead of issues and ensure that their EVs are always ready for the road. At the same time, Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) can keep an eye on their battery performance and have valuable insights into on-the-road battery usage and behaviour.

Reduced costs

Cost reduction is a significant advantage provided by battery telematics, benefiting both OEMs and end consumers. Manufacturers can avoid costly battery replacements by remotely identifying issues down to the cell level. Instead, they can focus on replacing only malfunctioning cells, saving significant resources.

Battery telematics also enable users and manufacturers to predict upcoming battery replacements and anticipate additional costs through extensive battery reports, including information on battery ageing speed and remaining usable battery capacity. These valuable insights allow for informed decision-making and cost-effective maintenance strategies, benefiting the entire ecosystem of fleet vehicle manufacturers and consumers alike.

Do you want to learn more about what fleet telematics have to offer? Read here: