EuropeOn Celebrates the Launch of a solar panel factory in Luxembourg

On 18 January, EuropeOn Secretary General Julie Beaufils was proud to participate in the inaugural event of Solarcells, a project developed by two of our members’ members. Indeed, Solarcells is a collaborative venture between Socom SA, whose Board President Marc Thein also chairs our Luxembourgish member Fédération du Génie Technique, and Belga Solar, a member of our Belgian member Techlink. This partnership underscores the strength and potential of European collaboration in advancing the electrical installation sector and the broader energy industry. 

The initiative for Solarcells emerged in response to the challenges posed by the limited availability of PV stocks during the COVID-19 outbreak, with a vision to enhance Luxembourg’s sovereignty and economic resilience. Prime Minister Luc Frieden, during his inauguration speech, emphasised that “No welfare state nor energy transition can happen without a robust economy,” highlighting the strategic importance of this venture. 

Solarcells sets itself apart by prioritising quality over cost. The facility is committed to producing high-quality PV modules, as demonstrated during the factory tour. It embraces the principles of the circular economy and aims to minimize its carbon footprint by sourcing most components from within Europe, ensuring that 95% of them are recyclable, and using reusable, plastic-free packaging.

From our sector’s perspective, this is a truly inspiring example not only of European cooperation but also of how the electrical installation sector can “up its game” by moving up the value chain, to PV manufacturing. Besides producing high-quality PV, the company also guarantees a spotless installation, thanks to established partnerships with qualified installation companies, providing a comprehensive solutions to clients.