Members’ Corner | SELECT celebrates its 125th anniversary in 2025

SELECT, the world’s oldest electrical trade association, celebrates its 125th anniversary in 2025. As Scotland’s largest construction trade body, SELECT has proudly represented the profession since 1900, when leading contractors first convened in Glasgow to support the emerging “modern trades.”

To mark this remarkable milestone, SELECT will host its 125th Anniversary Grand Ball on 14th November at the Marriott Hotel in Glasgow. This glittering event will bring together office bearers, members, staff, and industry colleagues to celebrate the association’s outstanding achievements and enduring legacy.

The anniversary year will also feature a packed calendar of exciting events. It kicks off with the Toolbox Talks, a series of 12 sessions taking place at various venues across Scotland in May and June, with the objective of providing essential technical updates for SELECT members. Other highlights include the President’s Cup golf contest in July, the Branch Updates in March and October, and the return of the traditional Past Presidents’ Christmas Lunch in December.

The year will also offer excellent networking opportunities. In May, SELECT will host a delegation from EuropeOn in Edinburgh. This will be the perfect occasion to connect with electrical contracting associations from across Europe and gain insights into the sector’s developments in other countries. In September, the fourth Professionals’ Day will foster further networking and knowledge exchange within the industry.

According to Alan Wilson, SELECT Managing Director: “The events of this anniversary year will serve to highlight the comprehensive way that SELECT carries out its responsibility to further the aims and ambitions of a profession which is so vital to the future as we transition to a net zero society.”

With such a full calendar of events, SELECT’s 125th year promises to be a worthy celebration of its history and its ongoing support for the electrical trade.