#NäkymätönVoima – Invisible Power campaign is aiming to ensure a sufficient supply of skilled, motivated and diverse workforce in the electricity sector also in the future. The purpose is to shake the stereotypes and to point out to young people and to those seeking to transition to new careers what it’s like to work in the electricity sector and what kind of career opportunities electricity has to offer.
The Invisible Power campaign also highlights the importance of people currently working in the field: experts in the electricity sector have a crucial role in tackling the climate crisis, for example.
Energy production and modern technology provide answers to the most challenging issues of our time.
The Invisible Power campaign is being organized in cooperation with three Finnish organizations: The Promotion Centre for Electrical Engineering and Energy Efficiency (STEK), The Electrical Contractors´ Association of Finland (STUL) and The Finnish Electrotechnical Trade Association (STK). The campaign invites also other operators in the sector to join in and strives to bring young people and businesses together more effectively. The organizations involved encourage everyone to take part in the conversation, so that the importance of electricity sector in society is being acknowledged:
– Electricity plays a significant role in moving towards zero emission energy production and more efficient energy use. Electrical solutions can also contribute to the well-being and security of us all. The electricity sector needs a wide range of expertise and offers an incredibly diverse and interesting opportunity to be involved in making the future. With the campaign, we will maintain the connection between companies and people interested in the electricity sector, and this can lead to career opportunities and summer jobs, for example, says Timo Kekkonen, Managing Director of STEK.
– The electrical industry is more than just installation and contracting. There is a wide range of work opportunities related to electrical design engineering or import, export and wholesale trade, for example. The big mission of the industry is also to curb climate change by reforming, for example, transport and energy systems, renovating our properties and changing the way we use energy, says Sallamaari MuhonenManaging Director of STK.
– The electricity sector is not the only industry in need of young, skilled workforce. To attract enough labour, we need to raise the profile of the industry and articulate the career opportunities more widely. We cannot afford to lose any potential student, if the reason is lack of information, or because the field is presented unnecessarily through traditional stereotypes, says Kai Puustinen, Managing Director of STUL.
Four young top professionals show the variety of work the industry really has to offer
In the first phase of the campaign, in late 2021 and early 2022, the target groups are students in primary schools and in colleges. The aim is to increase awareness of the electricity sector and to demonstrate the interesting and progressive opportunities it has to offer for the future. As part of the campaign, influential content is being produced for various social media sites.
The faces of the campaign present different backgrounds. They are four top young professionals working in the electricity sector: Immaculate Rebeccah Wambui Kimotho, a design engineer, Henkka Lindeman, an electrician, Laura Remes, a doctoral student, and Kiran Santhosh, a Senior Application Engineer. The professionals selected as the leading figures for the campaign will talk about their own paths to being professionals in the electrical industry and their current jobs.
The main channels of the Invisible Power campaign are the Instagram account at https://www.instagram.com/nakymatonvoima/ and the TikTok account at https://www.tiktok.com/@nakymatonvoima . The website is at www.nakymatonvoima.fi.
The campaign also uses a social media influencer, Petteri Mikkonen, and paid advertising on social media channels. In addition, Invisible Power was on display at the Studia student fair on November 23–24. Next year, the Invisible Power campaign will expand to the school world and will be strongly displayed at the Educa student fair and OPO fair for School Guidance Counselors, for example. The aim is to increase the attractiveness of the electricity sector as people apply for studies in the Spring.
Join the conversation #NäkymätönVoima and boost the campaign on your own channels
The campaign’s website can be found at www.nakymatonvoima.fi , and it introduces the main themes of the campaign and the faces of the campaign. There is also a material bank on the website, and you can freely download images and videos for your own use. The young people who have been chosen as the leading figures for the campaign will also be available for company events, for example.
More information:
- The Promotion Centre for Electrical Engineering and Energy Efficiency STEK, Managing Director Timo Kekkonen, tel. +358 50 500 3214, e-mail: timo.kekkonen@stek.fi
- The Electrical Contractors´ Association of Finland STUL, Managing Director Kai Puustinen, tel. +358 40 776 7068, e-mail: kai.puustinen@stul.fi
- The Finnish Electrotechnical Trade Association STK, Managing Director Sallamaari Muhonen, tel. +358 44 301 0640, e-mail: sallamaari.muhonen@stkliitto.fi
The campaign website www.nakymatonvoima.fi
The campaign material bank www.nakymatonvoima.fi/kampanjamateriaalit/
The campaign Instagram account https://www.instagram.com/nakymatonvoima/
The campaign TikTok account https://www.tiktok.com/@nakymatonvoima
Click here to the view the presentation
During the first week in TikTok we got about 700 000 viewers to our video and over 4 200 likings.