Two months to go to our Annual Conference, discover our website!

Brussels is buzzing with everyone coming back to work and so are we as the Installers’ Summit, our Annual Conference co-organised with GCP Europe, is coming to Brussels this year! Not only will it be held in the heart of Europe, but it will take place at the European Parliament, thanks to the support of MEP Sylvie Brunet!

Mark your calendars for the 9th of November from 13:30 to 16:30 and register on our new event website for this unmissable event!



And this year, we have a very topical programme that addresses the themes that everyone is talking about: skills & AI.

Skills have become a central preoccupation in Brussels and especially for energy stakeholders as we all realised how important it is to secure a qualified workforce if we are to meet our climate and energy targets, leading President Ursula von der Leyen to announce 2023 to be the Year of Skills. We’ll take stock of the progress achieved until now and explore future needs.

Our session on skills will start with a keynote from MEP Sylvie Brunet, followed by a panel of skills experts from the installation sector.

Alongside skills, Artificial Intelligence has experienced a big push in recent months and every industry, and certainly the energy industry, is now looking into AI to understand its potential and how it can be beneficial. Our session on AI will dig deeper on the potential impacts of AI, how it can benefit the installation sector and what changes are needed to reap its benefits.

On AI, the keynote speaker will be Commission Director Lucilla Sioli (DG CNECT), then we’ll hear about best practices from the installation sector and conclude with a video intervention from MEP Brando Benifei, rapporteur on the AI Act.

To conclude this day we’ll head to the Grand Place in the centre of Brussels for a dinner organised by Techlink, the Belgian installers’ federation.

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Register on our dedicated event website, and make sure to get your early bird tickets, only until 13 September! For any related question you can also contact us at